Woman with menopause


Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life and brings about a myriad of changes both physical and emotional. As women navigate this significant transition, understanding and addressing the impact of stress and tension on menopause symptoms becomes crucial.  Releasing tension can support menopause symptoms for women, if that is you please read on. In this Blog Post I delve into the ways releasing tension can be a powerful ally in managing and alleviating the challenges associated with menopause.


Menopause is often accompanied by a range of symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, marking the end of a woman’s reproductive years. Beyond the biological aspects, the emotional and psychological toll can be substantial. Recognising for yourself the intricate connection between stress and menopause is the first step towards fostering a more positive menopausal experience.

Understanding Menopause Symptoms

Before delving into stress management, it’s essential to grasp the spectrum of symptoms we women commonly face during menopause. From hormonal fluctuations to changes in bone density, these symptoms can significantly impact your daily life and well-being.

The Role of Tension in Menopause Symptoms

Stress is no stranger to exacerbating health issues, that is at the heart of my work and menopause is no exception. Unpacking the ways tension affects menopausal symptoms sheds light on the importance of adopting stress-reduction strategies.

Ways Stress Affects Hormonal Balance

A closer look at the hormonal intricacies reveals the impact stress has on hormonal balance, particularly during menopause. Cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt the delicate equilibrium, leading to intensified menopausal challenges.  

Releasing Tension Through Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for stress reduction and can offer you a practical and accessible way to manage tension. From deep breathing exercises to guided meditation, incorporating mindfulness into daily life can benefit.

The Power of Physical Activity

Exercise not only contributes to overall health but also serves as a potent stress-buster during menopause. Tailoring exercise routines to your individual preferences and physical abilities can make a significant difference in stress management. As a Yoga teacher with 30 years of experience, I know first-hand the benefits of regular practice to support menopause.

Nutritional Strategies for Stress Management

Your diet plays a pivotal role in both stress levels and menopausal symptoms. Exploring nutritional strategies that support stress reduction can provide you with actionable steps for enhancing your well-being during this transformative phase. Here is some information for you.

Quality Sleep for Stress Reduction

Quality sleep is a cornerstone of good health, especially during menopause. Practical tips for improving the quality of your sleep as well as addressing common sleep disturbances can be a real benefit.

Supporting Menopause – Build a Support System

Navigating menopause becomes more manageable when you surround yourself with a robust support system. From friends and family to healthcare professionals, building a network fosters emotional well-being.

Holistic Approaches to Tension

Recognising that no single approach fits all, embracing a holistic view of tension release will I hope encourage you to explore a combination of strategies that resonate with you personally.  If you have a demanding lifestyle then it is important to make time for yourself.

Addressing Emotional Well-being during Menopause

Menopause often brings emotional challenges, and acknowledging and addressing these feelings is integral to a positive experience. Seeking professional help when you need it is a proactive step towards addressing your emotional well-being.

Creating a Relaxation Routine

Establishing a daily routine for yourself that prioritises relaxation is a key aspect of stress management. From quiet moments with a book to soothing baths, finding what works for you is central to creating an effective relaxation routine.

Real-life Stories: Women Overcoming Menopausal Challenges

Seeking out the shared stories of other women who successfully navigated menopause can provide you with inspiration and practical insights. Their stories highlight the resilience and adaptability of women during this transformative phase.

Empowering Self-Care Practices 

Whilst there are many self-care practices you can adopt, to ease your tension you need to set regular often daily routines that are not always doable.  Busy lifestyle, the demands of family, friends, work and so on can add to the tension and self-care practices get neglected. So what is left?

Supporting Menopause – You Have Another Choice

The ultimate release of tension addresses not only the symptoms of menopause but also the root cause of stress and trauma from the past.  Why not look a little closer at the Total Release Experience® and learn to Thoughtfully Activate your Psoas? Only available from TRE UK® and RRD CIC. Practical, easy to learn and cost-effective. A process that becomes an empowering life tool and tool for life. If you have 45 minutes to set aside once a week, for the cost of less than a cup of coffee – what’s to lose? So many women who have suffered the impact of tension from menopause are living a better and happier life. I am so why shouldn’t you?

I encourage all of you to view self-care as a non-negotiable priority that fosters a sense of empowerment. From skincare routines to leisure activities, self-care contributes significantly to overall well-being. Adopting the RRD programme that best suits you can change your life forever. 


In conclusion, releasing tension is not merely a luxury but a necessity for all you women traversing the terrain of menopause. By understanding the connection between stress and menopause symptoms and adopting a holistic approach to stress management, you can enhance your overall well-being during this transformative phase.  It doesn’t have to be as bad as it is, and yes there is some hope. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss how we can support you.

Questions I Frequently Get Asked

Q: Can stress really worsen menopausal symptoms?

  • A: Yes, stress can exacerbate menopausal symptoms by impacting hormonal balance and overall well-being.

Q: Can you advise some quick mindfulness exercises for stress relief during menopause?

  • A: Yes try simple deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, and mindful walking are effective and quick mindfulness practices.

Q: How can I benefit from exercise specifically during menopause?

  • A: Exercise can improve your mood, reduce stress hormones, and support your overall health, contributing to a better menopausal experience. I highly recommend yoga.

Q: Are there specific foods that can help reduce stress during menopause?

  • A: Yes, try foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  All are known to have stress-reducing properties.

Q: Why is building a support system important

A: Building a support system is crucial for emotional and practical assistance, providing a network to navigate the unique challenges you have with menopause.

Q: Why is your programme different?

A, Because it is innate and natural. It requires no talking, no appointments if you prefer, it can be done in the comfort of your own home. Finally, because it works!